Eight Week Foundation Course


The course is ideal for people with little or no knowledge or experience of Tai Chi Chuan who would like to find out more about Tai Chi Chuan before making a commitment to learning the art in greater depth.

Tai Chi Chuan is composed of movement sets or forms, the whole set of movements is called "The Form". The course is based around The 12 step Form, a shortened version of the long form and allows participants to learn, experience and practice the movements of Tai Chi Chuan and relate them to the underlying theory. 

At the end of the course you should be able to perform the sequence of 12 forms comprising the 12 step Form unprompted and unaided and understand more about the principles and practice of Tai Chi Chuan
We hope at the end of the course you will choose to stay on to join the ongoing beginners' class to learn the Wu's style long form which, once learned, completes the beginner's syllabus.

The course comprises:
  • Warm up exercises
    • A set of simple top to toe exercises to warm up the joints and muscles and stimulate the circulation.
  • The 12 step foundation Form
    • Tai Chi Chuan is made up of movement sets or forms, the complete set of movements is known as "The Form".
    • The course aims to teach the 12 forms set of the The 12 Step Form
    • You can see the 12 step form performed by members of the Hong Kong Academy here
  • Tai Chi Walking
    • A routine exercise that teaches the student to carry their weight properly
    • It also acts as a stretching and strengthening exercise
  • Applications of selected forms
    • Instructors may demonstrate the martial application of some of the forms
    • This shows the deeper meaning of the forms
    • Please be aware this is NOT a self defence course
  • 5 Element Meditation
    • A simple physical meditation which you may find useful in everyday life for stress relief and relaxation
  • Theory and Philosophy
    • An introduction to the the basic ideas and philosophy behind the Tai Chi Movements
    • An understanding of the philosophy helps explain the rationale of the movements, and why they are structured the way they are.
  • What should I Wear ?
    We recommend loose easy fitting clothes that do not restrict movement e.g a Tee or sweat shirt, track suit bottoms and kung fu slippers, trainers or stocking feet are preferred to bare feet. You should come to class in your training clothes and change to indoor footwear if necessary. Academy polo shirts for training are available to purchase at £10.
    Where is it ?
    We are located at Upper Hargrave Hall, Hargrave Road, London N19 5SP. on Thursday evenings 6:30 - 8:00 pm

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